Earth and Sky Gardening

…provides sustainable and meaningful work, creating and caring for beautiful gardens that bring our clients joy and support biodiversity and resiliency in our changing world.

Our approach

We believe in supporting the Earth one garden at a time. We use NOFA Organic practices and endeavor to work with the plants, fungi, and animals that live all around us. Blue, our founder has many years of experience caring for a variety of gardens throughout New England, from up-scale rose gardens on the seaside to permaculture farm fields in the hills. We will work with your space to support it in becoming more healthy, beautiful, and biodiverse.

Set up a consultation!

Consultations begin with either an email or phone call. Please let us know what town your gardens are in, the general work you’re looking for, and the best way to reach you. We will then follow up and discuss the options for moving forward. If you are in a location that is easy for us to stop by, we will do a free in-person consultation. If you are just looking for advice or if a visit requires travel there will be a $50 consultation fee.


Our Service Area

We are based in Savoy, MA and will travel up to an hour. We have clients from Northampton to Williamstown to West Stockbridge! Please be aware that transportation time is billed.

“Our garden beds have never looked so good, and we are excited to see them flourish under their continued care and redesign! We highly recommend their services.”


Get started with Earth and Sky Gardening today…